More than just ice cream
We have house-made cocoa bombs, cake pops, ice cream cakes, pies, and more.
Our assortment changes weekly so check out the menu to see what this week has to offer.
We have Rice Krispy treats, cookies, ice cream sandwiches, and pup cups.
CAke Pops - $3.00
We offer many flavors and decorations. If you purchase 12 or more, the price drops to $2.75 each. You can custom order flavors or colors for events, parties or just because that's what you want.
Ice Cream
Sandwiches - $5.00
We usually have vanilla and chocolate ready made in the fridge. You may ask for these to be made in any flavor that we offer. We request 3 days notice for special orders. There is a reduction in price for 24 or more in a single order.

Hot Cocoa
Bombs - $5.50
A 3" orb of low melting point chocolate for the shell, cocoa powder and marshmallows inside. Put the bomb in a large mug, add 8-10 ounces of hot milk, water or coffee and enjoy the rich hot cocoa. Perfect indulgence for the winter months. We have a variety of flavors including milk chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate caramel, dark chocolate cherry, oreo, hazelnut, white chocolate caramel, dark chocolate mint, Heath Bar Crunch, Cinnamon bun, Irish Cream and more. Feel free to special order your favorite flavors in quantities of 6 or more. Price break with purchase of 12 or more. Not available in warmer weather.
Cakes & Pies
If you want to design your own cake, please go to the cake order section and pick the size, the flavors, the cake (yellow or brownie) and whether you want a crunch layer. Submit this to us and we will make it for you. We have 6 inch (round or heart shape) cakes for $32, 9 inch (round or heart shape) cakes for $48 and a rectangular cake 11 x 15 inches for $90. We have ice cream pies in 6" for $27 and 9" for $35. There may be an additional fee for custom flavors or decorations. Up for Grabs cake flavors and decorations will vary. We generally have a few of these in the case for last minute pick up.